Saturday, August 14, 2010

Why Not Save The Rain For Another Day?

With fall and winter right around the corner it's time to start thinking about rain. When you're up on that ladder this fall, cleaning out your gutters, you should give a good thought to saving that rain for another day. With water demands on the rise in the Sacramento Valley these days; why not save that rain water and reuse it for something other than watering the streets and gutters?

Why not rain water harvesting? No, I'm not talking about complex water piping systems with huge cisterns... I'm talking about simply buying or building a rain barrel and hooking it up to one of your downspouts for safe keeping.

Utilizing a rain barrel at your home is a great way to save on garden watering costs and it allows that precious rain water to be saved from our storm water systems and waterways. Diverting even a small amount of water could help make an impact on seasonal flooding. With current trends in green technology and the natural desire to be "green" it's now easier than ever to get involved. These days you can pick up a relatively inexpensive rain barrel at major retailers such as Home Depot and Lowe's or smaller mom & pop hardware stores if you would rather skip the construction process. Which ever way you choose, you can't go wrong with saving that rain water for another day...

In the Sacramento Valley you can find simple rain barrels at many fine retailers or you can purchase or salavage the materials to make your own.